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23 Einträge
Shaw Shaw aus Barcelona schrieb am 2. Januar 2023 um 11:51
In 2003 I had a serious climbing incident which badly damaged my left foot. In 2004 I had the luck to have insoles made by hand at an Orthopaedic shoe shop called Höfer by Silke Schneider. For about 10 years these worked brilliantly. After some operations I needed different insoles. So I tried many "experts and professionals" in Britain, Spain and USA maybe 8 different places and various techniques - all high tech and automated. None of them came close to the quality of the originals which were made of cork and leather. Some were uncomfortable, others fell apart and plastic insoles made my feet sweat and therefore smell. Finally I travelled from Barcelona back to Kiel to visit Silken again. To my delight I have never had such good service and professional treatment in my life. Without doubt she will be my insole maker and shoe recomender for the rest of my life. For someone who suffers from foot pain, insoles are the most important thing I own. It is the base of everything else. If my insoles don't work then the pain and discomfort spreads throughout my body. In a world of mass production this family-run shop is a beacon of skill and craftpersonship. The feeling of being helped by people who truly understand shoes and the human body is so different from just being a faceless customer. Another feature of this shoe shop is they only sell quality materials. Most of it made in Europe. Personally I only use Finn Comfort Shoes as they are made in Germany and I can move the precious insoles from one shoe to another. Sandals in the summer through to boots in the winter everything works with this "sliver of custom-made insoles" The process to make the insoles takes some days because they understand the complexities of bones, muscles and tendons can't be solved in one short session. I can't recommend highly enough the service, professionalism and skill of Silken Schneider and Höfer and would recommend them without hesitation. Martin Shaw.
Thomas Thomas schrieb am 28. Dezember 2022 um 21:06
Habe bereits mehrfach Reparaturen durchführen lassen - ausgezeichnet! - Schnell und gut so wie es sein sollte. Unlängst habe ich 2 Paar Schuhe erworben, die Meisterin hat mich sehr nett und kompetent beraten - Anpassungsarbeiten wurden sofort erledigt. Als Butenkieler fahre ich gerne mal eine größere Strecke, um meine (Schuh-) Probleme zu lösen.
Andreas G Andreas G aus Kiel schrieb am 20. Dezember 2022 um 18:08
Der beste Orthopädie und Schuhtechnikbedarf den ich kenne. Kompetente und Freundliche Mitarbeiter, die wissen was sie tun, angemessene, nicht zu lange Wartezeiten für die Menge an Kunden, die dort bedient werden und es wird immer auf die Kundenwünsche eingegangen und nicht einfach nur Verkauft, koste es was es wolle. Gerade die orthopädischen Einlagen kann ich nur empfehlen. Sind nicht die ersten gewesen, die ich bekommen habe und im Vergleich die besten.